Thursday, September 5, 2013

Morning Walk with My Dog

This morning as I was walking my dog, we saw a Great Blue Heron fly over us.  They are so magnificent to watch.  Then we noticed a hawk sitting on a light post, watching the traffic zoom by.  As we walked along the greenbelt and creek, we saw a Belted Kingfisher, who squawked at us and then flew away.  As we ended our walk, we both walked by a cottontail rabbit, who was frozen along the path and a crow who cawed his "Good Morning" to us.  What a great walk!

Did you see anything exciting this morning?


  1. Yep! There was a baby canary fledgling in my backyard since yesterday, trying to fly. This morning, I watched mama canary fly down and they both flew off together :)

  2. I hope you got a picture of it. That would have been neat to see. Keep your eyes open for other neat nature treasures!
