Monday, September 2, 2013

How this all got started

So, you might be wondering why I decided to make this blog.  It started about 2 years ago when I read Richard Louv's book "Last Child in the Woods. Saving Children from Nature Deficit Disorder".  Wow!  It was a real eye opener!  I highly recommend  this book if you are a parent or a teacher and you want to learn more about children not getting outside as much.  I have always loved being outdoors, whether hiking or camping or other activities.  And I love working with children as well.  But lately I have noticed that many of the children that I work with don't like playing outside.  They would rather be inside on the computer.  So I made it a goal to help inspire them to enjoy the outdoors through fieldtrips and projects, as well as games and stories.  Then this last Spring, I took a naturalist class through the Audubon Society of Greater Denver and have done some volunteering with them.  What a blast!  That was when I realized that I have so much to offer and to share with others.  I have one room in my house filled with nature books, environmental books and curriculum and many websites on my favorites.  I can't do it all at work, so I felt I should share it with you, my readers!  And hopefully, you will share some of your favorite ideas with me as well. I am really excited about this and I hope you will join me!

Let's inspire others to get outside and reconnect with Mother Nature!

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