Saturday, September 21, 2013

Beautiful Day in Colorado!

Today was a beautiful day.  The temperature was just right and blue skies.  Things are drying out, which is good, but it will be a long time for those up north to rebuild and clean up what they have lost.  Prayers to them.

This morning I went to the Audubon Center to help guide some kids from a special group called E.L.K.  This group takes kids from the inner city out to visit and do things in nature, such as fishing, hiking and such.  Today, they came to visit the Audubon Center.  We had a couple of tables set up with furs, bones, (fake) skat and tracks.  Even some stuffed birds (which kind of freaked out some of the kids).  Then we took them on a tour of the place, searching for signs of wildlife.  The kids really liked the beaver areas and the pond.  Some of them had quite a bit of knowledge about different nature things.  Emily and I were really impressed.  They seemed to have had a good time, but were ready to go fishing at a lake up the road.

Driving on my way home, something white in the sky had caught my eye.  As I got a little closer, I noticed that it was a couple of white pelicans flying around.  I was wishing that I had my big camera and that I could have stopped the car to take pictures, but I couldn't.  Just a great memory now.

Later today, I walked my dog down into the greenbelt to see what damage had been done by the little flooding that we had last Saturday.  Below are the pictures os what it looks like now.  Pretty powerful.

What a great day!

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