Sunday, October 6, 2013

Camping in Idelia, Colorado

So we decided to go camping out east of Denver, despite what the weather was going to be.  We just wanted to get out of town and try a little fishing.  Got to our campsite really late, so we just leveled the camper, had a beer and a glass of wine and went to bed.  The next morning, the skies were still cold and gray with 5o mph winds.  It was really hard to get the worms out into the ponds.  By noon, the skies cleared but the wind continued.  My husband and I decided to go on a small hike through the cottonwood trees and poinson ivy to see if we could find any deer or turkeys.  While walking, my husband either stepped on or flipped over a big bullsnake.  He was not a happy snake.  He coiled up and was hissing at us for a good ten minutes (see photo below).  We continued on and found a couple of white tailed deer, bounding through the trees.  On our way back, we found some gourds growing in a field, by the road, so I picked a few for my house.  On the road back, we ran across a small garter snake, sunbathing (see photo below).  Later in the evening, as the sun was setting, the whole family decided to walk down the road to see what we could see.  My daughter looked up into a cottonwood tree and asked "are those turkeys?"  Sure enough, there were several hens roosting in the trees and talking to each other (photos below).  We must have seen at least ten or more hens roosting right above our heads.  I have never (nor my husband) been so close to a wild turkey.  It was so cool!  We also saw a group of white tailed deer, grazing in the field.  That made the whole trip exciting!  The next morning on our way out, a Great Blue Heron flew right in front of us, landing in the field.  The last great adventure was on one of the dirt roads, heading home.  We got stuck behind some ranchers moving a large herd of cattle down the road.  When they finally got to the destination, they had the truck of hay go into the pasture first, followed by a couple of big bulls, and then the cows.  It was quite entertaining to watch.  What a fun weekend we had, despite the horrible strong winds.

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