Sunday, October 13, 2013

Camping at Chatfield State Park

My husband and I decided to take a quick camping trip, okay, its an overnight, at Chatfield State Park.  We had to wait until noon to check in, so we found an area to park in and walk around to see what we could find.  As we were walking down to the lake, we saw large flocks of American White Pelicans, Double-crested Cormorants, Canada Geese, American Coots, along with a few Bald Eagles, a Belted Kingfisher, and some ducks that I haven't been able to identify yet.

American White Pelicans can weigh as much as 30 pounds and have a wingspan of 9 feet!
American White Pelicans can hold 3 gallons of water in their bill.  They tilt their bill downward to drain the water and then upward to swallow the fish.

 Canada Geese flying around the lake before they land.  There are 11 subspecies of the Canada Goose that have been recognized.  They also have 13 different calls.

While their eggs are incubating, females lose their flight feathers, so they cannot fly until after their eggs have hatched.

Bald eagles can live up to 40 years in the wild and even longer in captivity.

The White Pelicans like to follow each other in a straight line when swimming to a destination.

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